
Yes-something that I truly love in this world is chocolate ! Chocolate helps me perk up when I’m sad , chocolate helps me satiate when I’m still a wee bit hungry , chocolate makes way in my already full post meal stomach exactly how a crowded street would make way for a maharaja arriving ! Yes ! Chocolate is my to -die -for dessert —–in its original brown form 😊

I fail to subscribe to theories of how chocolate is not good for you , for your teeth , for your weight etc. Much the same feeling that I have for Ghee! But without digressing here , I believe your body wants what’s good for you -er -most of the time ! I won’t include my husbands preference for alcohol here 😜!

Here’s why I conclude thus:

12 years ago Β and 20 kilos lighter , I vividly remember keeping a bag of Hershey’s kisses near my bedside , like today’s world would do with roasted nuts or some other health snack. I would at a time pop in 7-8 in quick succession -and yes – nothing would happen to my weight !I was as slim and svelte as ever , standing 5-8″ tall , never a workout in my life. I would polish off Milka bars , liqueur chocolates and raw chocolate icing like they were going out of style.Oh and might I add saucily add so that inspite of nodding off ,soon after the choco fixes like many a teen today , I’d seldom think of meticulously mouth -washing my dreams away Β -and proudly so – never a single problem with my pearly whites ! So there !all ye harried moms of sweet tooth kiddos !and all the Pepsodent on screen dentists !

Then the weight came ! Not because of the chocolate but because of the babies ! Now catch anyone saying babies aren’t good for your health πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜œπŸ˜‚!

Cut to today , I can see my husband squirm after a work out , carb free dinner and lots of good protein , when I in reflex action polish of half a bar of Lindt or any good stuff that’s available , while he watches and chomps on the cucumber and carrot (yuck)and I have a look of supreme satisfaction while he does ,of a slightly painful “need -something -more”look ! Haha! I stay constant on the scale the next morning and many mornings thereafter ! But his readings yo-yo away to eternity and back.

Lets just say : chocolate is my poison for being alive. Go figure all you health freaks !

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